BIMODEL, the expert of digital model
Our Start-up offers you a customized service that includes all the uses of the model, from the design to the operation of the building. Discover our CREM offers (Configure - Reach - Ease - Maintain) for a successful BIM approach.
We know how to set up a digital mock-up for a defined use thanks to a thorough analysis of the input data and a precise definition of the rules of data modeling and structuring. We have developed templates pre-configured for each use case adaptable to the specificities of each project. Our internal tools allow us to continuously check the performance of the digital model.
Obtaining an efficient model goes through a phase of experimentation, commissioning and implementation of data. This phase may require rework or even computer programming that we control the process. In close collaboration with our BIM partners for site monitoring, augmented reality, digital DOE and operations management, we know how to commission a model to the fullest of its potential as the building's digital twin.
All BIM actors involved in the production of models know that some modeling tasks are very time-consuming and repetitive. It is from the observation that we started with the help of our developers to create via the API of the software REVIT Plugins allowing us to be more efficient in the production of our models. Some of these plugins are currently available on Autodesk app store and are downloaded by thousands of BIMers around the world. We also do computer development according to the specific needs of our customers.
A building lives, evolves and changes after delivery and throughout its operating period. Its digital twin must follow its evolution permanently to remain exploitable and connected to the building. As part of this offer, we perform biannual audits of the building to evaluate and identify any changes impacting the data of the model.